In the picturesque landscapes of Armenia, a small yet impactful initiative is making significant strides towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 1 (SDG 1) - ending poverty in all its forms everywhere.
International NGO World Vision, renowned for its global humanitarian efforts, has been reaching out to thousands of the poorest and most vulnerable households in Armenia. Their innovative program, known as the "Graduation Approach", is a multi-sector intervention designed to support the poorest households in achieving sustained income and moving out of extreme poverty within a specified period.
Poverty is not just about the lack of income; it's a complex web of interconnected factors, from physical scarceness to psychological challenges, lack of voice in decision-making, vulnerability to environmental shocks, and diminished self-esteem. World Vision's Graduation Approach addresses these multifaceted challenges head-on.
Through life skills coaching, asset transfer, technical skills training, and access to financial services, World Vision provides integrated support to the most impoverished families in Armenia. The goal? To ensure a two to three-year progression to a point of "self-sustainable growth" by addressing the root causes of trans-generational poverty.
World Vision's work in Armenia transcends traditional aid models by recognizing poverty's multifaceted nature. By addressing not only economic constraints but also psychological well-being, environmental resilience, and community engagement, the "Graduation Approach" serves as a holistic solution to a complex issue. Through its implementation, World Vision contributes to a broader global narrative, one that envisions a world where poverty is not merely alleviated, but eradicated in all its dimensions.
Source: Eco-Business
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