"How can a movie change the world?" Director brothers Kevin and Toby Schmutzler can't shake this question. It is the reason for their new feature film ROBIN.
What's special about ROBIN
The film is about a seriously ill boy and his father, who discovers his son's secret bucket list and subsequently travels with him to South Africa - an adventure to fulfill the boy's heart's desires. So far, so good - an emotional story. But what makes ROBIN special is the "watch for wishes" campaign associated with it. This is because the film is not being exploited at the box office, but the makers are collecting donations online for every click the film gets on YouTube. These will benefit (Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderei) DKMS, McDonald's Kinderhilfe e.V. and SOS Kinderdorf e.V., all three organizations that help seriously ill or disadvantaged children.
"We want to help children who, like our fictional Robin, don't have the same opportunities in life as you or I do," director Toby tells Positive News Only. Bringing the film's message to reality. A social impact film, the makers call it.
Perseverance, generosity and conviction were needed
The production of the film proved that even the production inspires. All those involved, mainly friends and fellow students - the average age of the film crew is 25 - ,but also the professional American actors donated their fees to the project. And after all, the shoot in Germany and South Africa took over two months! The entire project to stemmen whole four years - to the emergence.
"When we wrote the first draft of the script for ROBIN, I was 21," Toby laughs.
Thanks to numerous in-kind sponsorships, including even professional cinema film cameras, the production could be shot for a fraction of the budget calculated by professionals. A German production company estimated the costs for a realization at about 2.7 million euros, a producer from Hollywood even at over ten million. Producer Lydia, together with her colleagues, proved that it can be done differently."Realizing projects like ROBIN is only possible because at the end of the day, behind every detail of the production, be it the crew, the food or the accommodation, there is a human being as the decision maker - and these are the people you can convince to become part of such a crazy project."
This project shows how big projects of great value for a better world and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals are possible if more and more people join the global society.
More information: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/34184/3988184