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Global society celebrates World Wildlife Day

Global Goals & Global Society
Global society celebrates World Wildlife Day

In honour of the world's natural flora and wildlife and their contribution to the globe, the United Nations recognizes World Wildlife Day (WWD), which falls on March 3rd, 2023.

Land use change and land degradation, deforestation, pollution, climate change, and ocean acidification all pose threats to wildlife and biodiversity in general. These are all challenges that threaten human well-being and long-term development and harm the Sustainable Development Goals in succeeding. When natural animal habitats are degraded and biodiversity is lost, critical ecosystem services for humans are threatened, disproportionately harming the poor and most vulnerable, women and children.

In addition to safeguarding wildlife habitats, global society must also protect it against unlawful hunting, poaching, and trafficking. Worldwide commerce in illegal wildlife is a burgeoning unlawful sector worth billions of dollars per year. It is a major threat to many species that are on the verge of extinction.

The 50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna is observed at World Wildlife Day this year (CITES). "Partnerships for Wildlife Protection" is the theme for 2023.

Although participating in conservation efforts may seem like a risky commitment, organizations and neighborhood nature groups have made it simpler to understand wildlife.

Ivonne Higuero, the Secretary-General of CITES (The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), said: “World Wildlife Day is a chance to celebrate the successes in animal and plant conservation but at the same time acknowledge the critical challenges we face in conserving earth’s biodiversity and the ecosystems on which we depend. These key species play a vital role in ensuring ecosystem health. That’s why species conservation and actions to restore ecosystems must go hand-in-hand.”

The purpose of World Wildlife Day

· It regulates the food chain.

Simply said, it would throw our food chain out of whack if some organisms became extinct. If any part of the food chain fails in a robust ecosystem, it has far-reaching effects. Elk and deer stay in one location longer and are not afraid of wolves, which allows them to consume plants right down to their roots. This results in the plants dying, which has subsequent effects, and so on. However, this is just one possible outcome.

· Very likely, we're at fault

While there are undoubtedly factors beyond of humanity's control that can cause a species to go extinct, human action is now mostly to blame in many situations. The good news is that if we were responsible for it, then we are also responsible for fixing it. Overfishing, overhunting, illicit game trade, deforestation, and overfishing are all to blame, yet none of

· We all live on the same planet.

To ensure that the world remains a thriving, breathing place the world must join forces as a global society. Overfishing can have disastrous financial effects on coastal communities that rely on the trade. The local population may be directly impacted by changes in the environment brought on by the extinction of a species. To create a planet that is sustainable, animals must be preserved. By honouring “World Wildlife Day”, we can demonstrate that these human behaviours cannot continue unchallenged and give the ones without the skills to speak our voice.


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