In order to promote life-saving technology, including energy products, and to reach the most vulnerable women and youth with social-economic projects for sustainable rural development, Safeplan Uganda was established in 2012.
The organization first started by identifying the problems and needs of the community, in terms of health,environment, gender equality, education and ICT
· natural syrup
The farmers whose beehives the organization supports sell the honey back to them after they add value to it in order to develop a local remedy for our medical problems. The syrup offers community members an efficient means of treating colds and coughs.
· BUWOBE Herbal Syrup
With assistance from the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), BUWOBE Herbal Syrup is created to generate herbal syrup utilizing locally accessible herbs. The cough medicine has shown to be quite efficient despite the difficulties in scaling and expanding to more individuals posed by equipment and legal requirements.
· Beehives for free
The organization provides free beehives to women and young people, who then pay for them over the course of two years in installments with the honey they collect.
· Energy cookstove
To remote populations, they sell and provide solar home systems and energy cookstoves. The communities pay cash up front and in monthly installments until they have energy impact goods that, by lowering energy costs, eliminate poverty.
· Liquid soap making
To remote populations, Safeplan Uganda sells and provides solar home systems and energy cookstoves. The communities pay cash up front and in monthly installments until they have energy impact goods that, by lowering energy costs, eliminate poverty.
· Skills training
They let students put their newly acquired abilities to use so they may polish them and get ready for the workforce. The trainees are strongly encouraged to learn from one another, which encourages fair engagement for all.
Gender and women’s right
· equality of opportunity
The organization assists women and young people in achieving equal participation in rural development and sustainable development.
· Our rights, our freedom
They support a rights-based strategy for advancing gender equality.
Everyone is entitled to an education and financial independence.
All of our programs aims to include gender sensitive planning.
ICT (information communication technology)
· ICT for everyone
Despite the fact that technology is being utilized more and more everywhere, in Africa many people, particularly women, lack the time to practice their skills due to other family responsibilities, which limits the use of technologies like computers as a tool for development.
· encouraging ICT
In an effort to empower women and girls in the community, Safeplan Uganda uses ICT. Women need more opportunities, time, and resources to learn how to utilize computers and the internet. In order to assure faster payments and to track our revenue, they also use a technology-enabled payment system.
In order to match our goals with the Sustainable Development Goals, the organization employs a multi-stakeholder approach, concentrating on the following SDGs: 1 No Poverty, 5 Gender Equality, 7 Accessible clean energy, and 13 Climate Action.
In reaching their goals, the community-led strategy has made good progress.
By targeting the most vulnerable women and young people with social-economical programs for sustainable rural development, Safeplan Uganda develops sustainable jobs for youth and promotes life-saving technology (including energy products). The activities of Safeplan Uganda center on the pillars of health, the environment, gender equality, education, and information technology while working with the community to determine the most urgent needs. Its ultimate goal is to build a society where everyone, especially the most vulnerable members of society, can live and reach their full potential.
More information: http://safeplanuganda.org